Top tips for planning your new office fitout

Trends and Fashions—make sure your new office space is relevant and up-to-date.

Things have changed in the workplace over the last few years. Gone are the days where partitions and cubicles separate each employee. Haven’t you heard? Flexibility in the workplace makes all the difference to employee motivation and wellbeing (and research shows that happier employees results in increased productivity). When planning your new office fitout, make sure you research the latest in trends and fashions and make sure your up-to-date with the latest innovations. Your office fitout and design makes a lasting impression on your clients and sets the tone for the culture in your business.

Space Utilisation—don’t let wasted space collect dust balls.

Did you know that around a quarter of space in the bulk of offices is never used? Cramped, small or underutilised workspaces are one of the chief blocks in workplace productivity. For example, can you turn a wall into a standing desk space? Could that awkwardly angled corner become a small storage cupboard? Will the furniture you have currently be too large for the new space? Seek advice and make sure you’re utilising the space as best as possible and make sure your new office fitout matches the space you’re moving into.

Work with the End in Mind—are you shooting yourself in the foot by doing too much?

This is particularly pertinent if you’re renting the space. Carefully review your “make good” clause and consider your options completely if you have to return everything to the condition you found it in when you end your lease. For example, if you replace the existing carpet with shiny new wooden floorboards, it’s going to be costly to rip them up and reinstate the carpet.

Consider Who on Your Team You Consult—too many cooks spoil the broth.

You may wish to chat to your staff about what they’re looking for in their new office space—after all they will be working in it and you’re going to benefit from them feeling as though they have contributed to the decision-making process. But, beware. You’re unlikely to please everyone and fielding everyone’s individual opinions will be time consuming and exhausting. Perhaps opt for setting up a committee or send around an opinion poll instead of consulting everyone.

Think of Your Space the Same Way You Think of Your Software—it’s not permanent.

We update our software regularly, some systems once a year. Treat your physical space in much the same way—make sure it’s adaptable and can easily be adjusted to keep it fresh and exciting and to ensure it will always suit your changing needs.

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